TAMEW: "The Second Scramble for East Africa: The Ambiguities of Mandate Sovereignty and the Anglo-German Struggle for Demographic Domination in Tanganyika"


Please join the Transnational Approaches to Modern Europe Workshop next  Wednesday, December 2 from 4:30-6:00pm CST for the final session of the new academic year. We are excited to have Ben Van Zee, PhD candidate, Department of History, who will be presenting a draft article, "The Second Scramble for East Africa: The Ambiguities of Mandate Sovereignty and the Anglo-German Struggle for Demographic Domination in Tanganyika.” Sarath Pillai, PhD candidate, Department of History, will provide comment.

Ben's paper is available on the TAMEW Canvas site, as well as on our website  (http://cas.uchicago.edu/workshops/transnationaleurope/) under the heading "Current Paper" (Password: HopeFranklin). Should you have any difficulties in accessing the paper, please contact us at either benvanzee@uchicago.edu or abratcher@uchicago.edu

Our meeting next week will be held over Zoom and all others for the quarter. You can access the meeting using the following URL (https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/96892909162?pwd=eFdNa2NucHFSSmVZeDRXb01nWm9tdz09). A full meeting invitation can be found at the end of this message. Should you be prompted for a password, enter: HopeFrankl. 

We're looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Kind regards,

Ben & Abigail