Call For Participation: Soviet & Post-Soviet Wars: An Oral History Project


Call For Participation: Soviet & Post-Soviet Wars: An Oral History Project

The project

The oral history project on Soviet and post-Soviet wars, led by Pipss, aims to collect and make available interviews of participants in armed conflicts conducted by researchers during their fieldwork whatever the focus of their research*.

The objectives

1/ To make a history of the war from below and capture the texture of the fighting experience through testimonies.  To document past wars and also make the history of the present time.

2/ To establish a corpus to bequeath to future generations of researchers, who will therefore be able to re-appropriate these interviews for their own research.

The corpus of testimonies

• The project does not limit itself to combatants and veterans of these wars but extends the collection of testimonies to military journalists, doctors, nurses, rear staff, members of NGOs, military chaplains, combatants' wives, etc. 

• Ultimately, the project's ambition is to document both sides of the war. The testimonies of the opposite side of the war will therefore gradually be incorporated into the database: Afghans for the Soviet war in Afghanistan, Chechens of both Russian campaigns in Chechnya, etc.

• In a larger scale comparative concern, one can imagine opening the database to other conflicts outside the Soviet and post-Soviet zone.

The format of testimonies

Testimonies may be provided in the form of transcripts, video files, sound recordings.

The "documentation" section

In addition to oral testimonies, the database will comprise a "documentation" component that will include interactive maps, ego-documents, photos, videos, demobilization albums, brochures, etc.

*Researchers must provide the permission of their interviewees to post interviews online.