Studying Eastern Europe at The University of Chicago
The University of Chicago offers numerous courses at the graduate and undergraduate level on the history and culture of Eastern Europe. On this page you will find featured courses studying Eastern Europe as well as related news and upcoming events. For information about particular Eastern European languages that are offered by The University of Chicago please see our Languages of Study menu.
Related Faculty
Upcoming Events
Toward Hopeful Skies: A Concert to Benefit Refugees from Ukraine
CEERES, Slavic, Music, Germanic Studies, Greenberg Center, Comp Lit, Yiddish, IHouse Fund
Hope Junkies: Poetry by Ivan Landzev
CEERES, Slavic
Ukraine Endures: Taking Stock of One Year of the Russia-Ukraine War
CEERES, Pearson Institute
Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe: A CEERES of Voices Conversation with Emily Greble
CEERES, Seminary Co-Op
Mission Turan: A discussion with author Alex Popov
CEERES, Slavic, Chicago Studies
The Russia-Ukraine War: What Comes Next?
CEERES, Pearson Institute
War in Ukraine – Round table discussion featuring Tymofiy Mylovanov
CEERES, Pearson Institute
Voices of the New Belarus - Film Screening and Discussion
CEERES, Comp Lit, Film Study Center
Remaining a Ukrainian Woman: Normative Femininity as "Armor" in the Gulag
CEERES, Comparative Literature Department
War in Ukraine – A Grave Miscalculation with Konstantin Sonin
UChicago Hong Kong Yuen Campus
Crisis in Ukraine Roundtable Discussion
CEERES, Pearson Institute
University of Richmond