Columbia University -- Russian literature and culture Assistant or Associate Professor

Assistant Professor / Associate Professor (tenure-track or tenured)

Columbia University in the City of New York: Arts and Sciences Core - Academic: Department of Slavic Languages



Open Date

Sep 22, 2022


The Department of Slavic Languages at Columbia University invites applications for a position in Russian literature and culture, with a specialization in the nineteenth century; additional periods (especially the early twentieth century) and fields are welcome, as is work that is comparative, interdisciplinary, and theoretically engaged.  Applicants should have energy, vision, and commitment, and are expected to excel in scholarship, teaching, and service.  The position is open to applicants at the rank of Assistant Professor, untenured Associate Professor, or tenured Associate Professor; candidates at the Associate Professor level are preferred.   



Application Instructions

All applications must be made through Columbia University’s Academic Search and Recruiting (ASR) system. Please upload the following required materials:
--Cover letter
--Teaching statement
--Research Statement
--Diversity Statement (addressing past and/ or potential contributions to diversity and inclusion through teaching, professional activity, and/ or service)
--Two article-length, representative publications
--Names and contact information of three references. (Recommenders should submit confidential letters of recommendations through ASR/Interfolio). 

Review of applications will begin on October 21 and continue until the position is filled. 

Preliminary interviews will take place over Zoom.