On Sept. 29 and 30, 1941, Nazis murdered over 30,000 Jews at Babyi Yar in one of the most significant events in the “Holocaust by Bullet” on the territory of the USSR. Additional massacres of other ethnic groups at that site occurred later, but the 29th and the 30th were dedicated to the Nazi mission of genocide for the Jewish people.
On Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021, Dr. Benjamin Rifkin will be hosting - through Hofstra University and with the generous sponsorship of many of their departments - a Zoom-based screening of the 1990 Soviet film “Ladies Tailor,” in Russian with English subtitles, free and open to the public. They will start the event with some historical background, then recitations in Russian and Yiddish, with English captions, of two poems about Babyi Yar, then the screening of the film, followed by Q&A and discussion.
This event is free and open to the public up to 300 individuals. You must pre-register to join the event.
Pre-registration is at this link: https://news.hofstra.edu/event/commemoration-of-the-massacre-at-babyi-yar-film-screening-with-dr-benjamin-rifkin/
You can read more about the film at the pre-registration link and on IMDB, but on IMDB you have to look it up under its Russian title, Damskii portnoi. (There is a far more recent and popular Bollywood film with the name Ladies Tailor).