A virtual conference exploring issues of globalization and its opponents from various disciplinary perspectives taking place on the second Friday of the month from November 2020 to February 2021 from 12:30 – 1:30 pm.
This conference is sponsored by the Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies, The Franke Institute for the Humanities, Pozen Family Center for Human Rights, the Chicago-Vienna Faculty Grant Program.
Download the full program here.
Register for all four sessions here.
Session 1 - Friday, November 13, 2020 - Interwar Deglobalization and International Mobility
Peter Becker, University of Vienna
Passports as Instrument of Deglobalization
David Petrucelli, Dartmouth College
International Crime and the Deglobalization of Interwar Internationalism
Charles Fawell, University of Chicago
Disenchanted Globetrotters: Critiquing Globalization from the Deck of a Steamship, 1880-1930.
Commentator: Michael Geyer, University of Chicago
Session 2 - Friday, December 11, 2020 - Deglobalization and the Politics of Self-Sufficiency
Tara Zahra, University of Chicago
Deglobalization and the Collapse of Empire in Interwar Austria
Carolyn Taratko, Universität Erfurt
Autarky from the Ground Up: Settlement and Agricultural Independence in Weimar Germany
Mate Rigo, Yale-NUS College
Crazy Rich Central Europeans? The Beneficiaries of Deglobalization
Commentator: Pieter Judson, European University Institute
Session 3 - Friday, January 8, 2021 - Deglobalizing Capitalism
Philipp Ther, University of Vienna
Karl Polanyi and the Left Critique of Global Laissez Faire Capitalism
Quinn Slobodian, Wellesley College
Exit Fantasies: Global Goldbugs and the Rise of the German Hard Right
Jamie Martin, Georgetown University
'Ottomanizaton' of Europe: The Politics of International Financial Control in the 1920s
Malgorzata Mazurek, Columbia University
Polish Keynesians?: Post-Versailles Nation-State and Developmental Thinking In an Era of Great Depression
Commentators: Jon Levy, University of Chicago and Glenda Sluga, European University Institute
Session 4 - Friday, February 12, 2021 - Globalism and Anti-Globalism from Socialism to Post-Socialism
Anastassiya Schacht, University of Vienna
On mixed signals and borderline agencies : Soviet psychiatry in the international epistemic community in the Cold War
Leah Feldman, University of Chicago
Reimagining the Global in Post-Soviet Eurasianist New Right Networks
Misha Appeltova and Roy Kimmey, University of Chicago
"Deglobalization or counter-globalization?: Gender politics and rights in East Central Europe"
Dorit Geva, Central European University
Deglobalization in Contemporary Hungarian Politics
Aga Pasieka, University of Vienna
From Socialism through Post-Socialism (back) to Socialism? Youth radical nationalists as alter-globalists
Commentator: Susan Gal, University of Chicago