Next Thursday (3/30), at 4PM in Social Science Research Building Room 302, The Middle East History and Theory workshop (MEHAT) is very excited to welcome Professor Michael Khodarkovsky, Professor of History at Loyola University Chicago. Professor Khodarkovsky will present two chapters from his current book project, titled “Empires of the Steppe: Russian, Ottoman, Persian and Chinese Empires in Comparative Perspective.”
Prof. Michael Khodarkovsky
Professor of History
Loyola University Chicago
"Empires of the Steppe:
Russian, Ottoman, Persian and Chinese Empires in Comparative Perspective"
Thursday, March 30th, 2023
SSRB 302
Prof. Khodarkovsky has requested participants come prepared to discuss the two attached chapters. He has provided the following brief introduction:
Please find here two chapters from my current project on comparative Eurasian empires. This is the first draft, and I would request that you do not circulate it without my permission.
I will introduce and briefly discuss my project but would appreciate if you could read and provide feedback on these chapters. They are a total of 47 pages. Some of the material may seem basic to you. It is because much of it is aimed at a general audience. Yet I hope the text will also offer something new to learn and ponder. I welcome your comments and look forward to a discussion next week.
Contact Theo Knights at in order to receive the chapters.
This will be an excellent opportunity to discuss comparative historical methods in an Islamicate context as well as to learn about the current work of a senior scholar in the field working outside the University of Chicago. We hope to see you all at our first meeting this term!