Wars are fueled by hatred. We should show this enemy, as well as the countries we live in (the US among those) our solidarity against hatred and against the war in Ukraine.
This world-wide rally was initiated by the diasporas in Poland, and new countries and cities are getting on board every day. Here is a self-updating list of participating cities: https://taplink.cc/solidarityagainstwar
Please join us in Chicago this coming Sunday October 23, and share the list of cities with your friends worldwide. If their city is not on the list, they can easily add their own event, even if it is just a get-together in a park to support each other: it does not have to be a big rally, it is more important that such meetings of friends take place worldwide: our solidarity against the enemy and its war makes all of our voices louder, and we know at least here in the US that our Congress does pay attention to loud voices. We have our local diaspora media on board, BTW: Radio Resonance, which is a part of Ethnic Media will be covering this event (Ethnic Media includes Russian language newspaper "7 дней", and Lithuanian one "Čikagos Aidas") .
Citizens of all nations are encouraged to participate.