Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Resources
Below we have highlighted a number of free Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language resources that we have found especially helpful. You can find these and additional resources for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and our other languages and regions in the Resource Library. If you are a language teacher, student, or resource creator with a resource you would like to see us feature on the website please email us at

Serbian-English / English-Serbian Dictionary
An extensive online dictionary of B/C/S with a focus on the Serbian dialect per Vanderbilt University and the option to search in both Latin and Cyrillic scripts.

A fairly simple B/C/S to English dictionary, somewhat limiting for new learners as the interface is exclusively presented in B/C/S.

This database of online dictionaries maintained by the Czech company LINGEA has both Croatian-English and Serbian-English dictionary options. Your mileage may vary.

English to Croatian and Croatian to English Dictionary
A dictionary with a very simple interface focused on Croatian.

A Handbook of Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian
This is more of a high level reference grammar intended for linguists, but it does provide an overview of the grammar of the language.
Online Courses & Resources

Global Language Online Support System — Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
A service of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, the Global Language Online Support System offers 175 lessons in both Serbian and Croatian, with an emphasis on listening comprehension and news reading.