Czech Language Resources

Czech Language Resources

Below we have highlighted a number of free Czech language resources that we have found especially helpful. You can find these and additional resources for Czech and our other languages and regions in the Resource Library. If you are a language teacher, student, or resource creator with a resource you would like to see us feature on the website please email us at 




The Lingea English-Czech dictionary provides translations, example sentences, and related expressions as well as a number of static pages with grammar explanations and basic vocabulary flashcards. 




Seznam Slovník

Built from Lingea's dictionary, Seznam Slovník is the Czech-English dictionary page of the Czech made search engine and web portal The dictionary offers many of the same services as Lingea with a more streamlined aesthetic. One useful addition is the list of Czech synonyms provided when you search in Czech. 



An extensive Czech-Czech dictionary useful for more advanced learners. 



Vokabulář Webový

A Czech-Czech dictionary that is especially useful for those working with historical texts. 



Reality Czech

Reality Czech is a next generation openly licensed Czech textbook and curriculum developed by Dr. Christian Hilchey from the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies in collaboration with the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) at the University of Texas at Austin. It has integrated quizlet tests to help users test their retention of new grammar concepts and vocabulary. 

Online Courses and Resources


Internet Language Reference Book

This website allows users to search a Czech word to see its various declensions.  



Czech National Corpus

The Czech National Corpus is electronic collection of authentic Czech texts (written or spoken) easily searchable for various language phenomena (esp. words and collocations) and to display them in their natural context. The CNC corpora include written contemporary Czech (more than 4 billion tokens), spontaneous spoken language (more than 7 million tokens). The corpus has a number of useful search tools including Word at a Glance, which enables users to find a word's basic characteristics and forms in addition to its most frequent colocations in the corpus, and Terq, which allows users to search for a word in Czech and find the words that most commonly correspond in English when comparing texts that are in both corpora.