Graduate Student Research Support
The Gedvila Family Research Award Fund was established in 2021 in the Division of the Social Sciences. The purpose of the fund is to support graduate student research focused on the history and culture of Lithuania, the Baltic States, and/or Eastern Europe. Funding may be used to support research needs including data collection, travel, data analysis, dissertation support, publications, and projects that encourage interdisciplinary collaboration.
The Division, in concert with the Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies (CEERES), will award one to three awards totaling $5,000 in winter 2023. Funds are to be expended January 1–December 31, 2023. NOTE: Proposed research involving direct human subjects work must have secured IRB approval before funds will be distributed.
University of Chicago MA, MBA, or PhD students in the Division of the Social Sciences, Chicago Booth, Harris School for Public Policy, or Humanities Division whose work relates to the focus areas below are encouraged to apply.
Focus Areas
•First preference will be given to students who have a demonstrated knowledge of Lithuania and/or of any Baltic States history and culture, have studied in Lithuania and/or any of the Baltic States, or who have had coursework on the study of Lithuania and/or any of the Baltic States.
•Second preference will be given to students whose research topics are focused on Lithuania, the
Baltic States, and/or Eastern Europe.
•Eligible fields of research span the social sciences, and include anthropology, history, political
science, psychology, economics, sociology, and public policy.
Please submit your application to Natalie Arsenault ( by 12 noon CST on
Friday, November 18, 2022. Applications require a narrative of no more than two pages describing: the research question(s) or topic(s) to be investigated; the methods or approaches to be used; the potential impact of this project and measures for success; project timeline; budget and request.
Terms and Conditions
Gedvila Family Research Fund awardees shall: Submit a one-page narrative report detailing research activities and progress made upon completion of funded research; Acknowledge support of the Gedvila Family Research Award in the thesis, dissertation, and/or any research publications that may result from this grant.