It's No Good

Kirill Medvedev
Ugly Duckling Presse

Edited and introduced by Keith Gessen, It's No Good includes selected poems from Kirill Medvedev's four books of poetry as well as his most significant essays: "My Fascism" (on the failure of post-Soviet Russian liberalism, politically and culturally); "Literature and Sincerity" (on the attractions and dangers of the "new sincerity" in Russian letters); "Dmitry Kuzmin, a Memoir" (a detailed memoir and analysis of the work of the 1990s Moscow poet, publisher, and impresario Kuzmin, and what his activity represents). This is Medvedev's first book in English.

Edited by Keith Gessen; Translated by Keith Gessen, Mark Krotov, Cory Merrill, and Bela Shayevich. Guest translation editor: Isabel Lane.

This is the second edition.