Religion(s), laïcité(s) et société(s) au tournant des humanités numériques: actes du 3e colloque international Comsymbol les 9-10 novembre 2016

Mihaela-Alexandra Tudor and Stefan Bratosin (eds.)

Religion (s), secularity (s) and society (s) at the turning point of the digital humanities : proceedings of the 3rd international Comsymbol — 9-10 November 2016, Montpellier, France

This 3rd Comsymbol Symposium, with the participation of researchers from 11 countries, aimed to provide answers to two major questions of great international relevance. On the one hand, how the religions conquered by digital technologies expand and renew their experiences of community life and their social networks by producing new symbols and signifiers whose rapid spread in the public space is based on the development of forms innovations in the production of knowledge and the circulation of knowledge and, on the other hand, how academics, communication practitioners, social activists, journalists, politicians, industrialists and economic actors participate in the social transformation. In French.