Dostoevskii: Materialy i issledovaniia (Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research), vol. 1-20

Pushkinskii Dom

Dostoevskii: Materialy i issledovaniia (Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research), vol. 1-20

The collection of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” was conceived as a companion to the academic Complete Collected Works of F.M. Dostoyevsky and will be published in parallel to their publication. The series will include studies dealing with contemporary issues in Dostoyevsky scholarship, letters addressed to the writer, materials and documents addressing various aspects of his biography, commentaries to his works, bibliographic materials and surveys, and articles on the influence of Dostoyevsky on Russian and foreign literature from the late 19th to the 20th century.

Information about volumes 1-20:

  • Vol. 1 of the series consists of three sections: “Presentations and studies,” “Communications. Notes. Biographical materials” and “Bibliography.”
  • Vol. 2 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” is compiled according to the same pattern as Vol. 1. It consists of four sections: “Articles,” “Communications,” Selections from the scholarly and literary legacy” and “Publications.”
  • Vol. 3 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Studies” is patterned after the two previous volumes. It consists of three sections: “Articles,” “Notes and communications,” “Publications.”
  • Vol. 4 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” was conceived as a kind of companion to the 30-volume academic Complete Collected Works of F.M. Dostoyevsky (published 1972-1990).
  • Vol. 5 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” consists of four sections: “Dostoyevsky and modernity,” “Unpublished texts of Dostoyevsky,” “Articles and studies,” “Communications. Notes,” “New materials,” (this section is a continuation of the publication of letters written to Dostoyevsky).
  • Vol. 6 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” consists of three sections: “Texts of Dostoyevsky,” “Articles,” and “Communications and notes.”
  • Vol. 7 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” consists of three sections: “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” and “Publications.”
  • Vol. 8 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” consists of four sections: “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” “Notes about Dostoyevsky,” and “Selections from Dostoyevsky’s literary legacy.”
  • Vol. 9 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” consists of three sections: “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” and “New materials.”
  • Vol. 10 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” consists of six sections: “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” “Epistolary materials,” “Selections from Dostoyevsky’s literary legacy,” “Chronicles,” and “Bibliography.”
  • Vol. 11 of the series opens with additions to vols. 27-30 of the Complete Collected Works of Dostoyevsky. The most substantive addition is the work of V.A. Viktorovich, reprinted from the journal “Znamia” (1991, No. 11, pp. 154-160). Beginning with Vol. 10 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” the collection is published by the Institute of Russian Literature (The Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences with financial support and contributions from the University of Tallahassee (Florida, USA), for which the Institute of Literature of the RAN is grateful.
  • Vol. 12 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” consists of traditional sections: “Articles” and “Materials and communications.” The first part contains articles by scholars from Russia, France, and Latvia, and is devoted to the study of individual works by Dostoyevsky, commentaries to those works, and a critical assessment of his works as a whole. The volume also includes previously unpublished selections from the diaries of Ya.P. Polonsky about Dostoyevsky and other materials.
  • Vol. 13 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” coincides with the 175th anniversary of the great writer’s birth. The volume includes articles dedicated to that occasion. Some of the articles are edited and updated versions of conference presentations and articles initially presented at international conferences of Dostoyevsky scholars: “Dostoyevsky and world culture” held in Staraia Russa in May 1995; St. Petersburg’s The Dostoyevsky Literary-Memorial Museum (November 1995); and the 9th Symposium of the International Dostoyevsky Society (Gaming, August 1995).
  • Vol. 14 of the series Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” is dedicated to the memory of Academician Georgy Mikhailovich Fridlender, the initiator of the present series and one of the greatest scholars and experts on the work of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The volume opens with G.M. Friedlender’s last work “T. Mann’s ‘Doctor Faustus’ and F. Dostoyevsky’s ‘Demons.’ ” The volume also includes works by Russian and foreign Dostoyevsky scholars, participants of the International Conference “Dostoyevsky and World Culture” held in St. Petersburg, Staraia Russa, and Novgorod on May 22-26, 1996. Along with the traditional sections “Articles,” and “Materials and communications,” the collection includes “Selections from Dostoyevsky’s literary legacy” and “Bibliography.”
  • Vol. 15 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” includes articles, communications (letters), and materials of Russian and foreign scholars, including participants of the 1998 Velikii Novgorod-Staraia Rusa academic conference “Pushkin and Dostoyevsky,” the 1998 St. Petersburg conference “Dostoyevsky and Global Culture,” and the 10th International Dostoyevsky symposium (New York, 1998). The collection consists of the traditional sections: “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” “Selections from author’s literary and epistolary legacy.” Of special note is the thematic character of the collection. The principal theme of the volume – Dostoyevsky and the “silver age” – belongs to one of the most understudied aspects of the writer’s life and work. Another understudied topic that represents an important theme in the volume is Dostoyevsky and Orthodoxy, which is dedicated to the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of Christianity.
  • Vol. 16 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” includes articles by Russian and foreign Dostoyevsky scholars, offering a wide-ranging analysis of Dostoyevsky’s works from the 1840s to the 1880s, his connections to the Russian culture of the 11th to the early 20th centuries. The collection consists of traditional but often changing sections: “Publication of texts,” “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” “Literary legacy,” “Epistolary materials.” It is dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Dostoyevsky’s birth, and the 120th anniversary of his death.
  • Vol. 17 of the academic series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Studies” is devoted to the study of Dostoyevsky’s works and his worldview in the context of global culture. The volume consists of the traditional sections: “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” “Epistolary materials,” “Literary legacy,” and a new section titled “Polemics.” Articles by Dostoyevsky scholars from Russia, Italy, Germany and the US are devoted to understanding both more concrete works by Dostoyevsky as well as the entire corpus of his literary output. The section “Materials and communications” is being published in addition to commentaries to the Complete Collected Works and the Chronicles of Dostoyevsky’s life and works. It also includes letters addressed to the writer. Of special note in the present collection is the section under the heading “Polemics.”
  • Vol. 18 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” continues the tradition of fundamental works published by the Pushkin House. The present volume focuses on little-studied aspects of Dostoyevsky’s worldview, biography, and literary career in the context of world culture.
  • Vol. 19 of the academic series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” is devoted to issues concerning F.M. Dostoyevsky’s biography, worldview, and works in the context of global culture, as well as the influence of Dostoyevsky’s works and their legacy. The collections consist of the following sections: “On the 250th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Schiller,” “Literary legacy,” “Articles,” “Materials and communications,” “Epistolary materials,” “Corrections and addenda to the commentaries.”
  • Vol. 20 of the series “Dostoyevsky: Materials and Research” differs from previous volumes in that it is thematic: it includes articles by Russian and foreign scholars about the study, translation and reception of F.M. Dostoyevsky’s works in many European and Asian countries, as well as the US and Australia. The volume pays special attention to the contribution of western philological schools in the study of Dostoyevsky’s works in the past forty years, since the first publication of the writer’s collected works. The idea of the series was first proposed by V.E. Bango during work on the second Complete Collected Works of F.M. Dostoyevsky. Soon after, Bagno’s proposal was discussed during the 2012 Napoli gathering organized by the International Dostoyevsky Society. The collection consists of the following sections: “Articles and analytic surveys,” “Materials and communications,” and “Publications.” Later, a new section titled “Bibliographies” was appended to the collection by the authors due to the nature of the collection, the main part of which is devoted to the history of the study of Dostoyevsky’s works abroad.

You can access Dostoevskii: Materialy i issledovaniia through the UChicago library: (note: each volume is treated as a separate e-bool; click on the D in the index and scroll down to the Dostoevskii volumes)